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Lavender Essential Oil: Mechanisms of Action for Decreasing Anxiety and Stress

Lavender Essential Oil: Mechanisms of Action for Decreasing Anxiety and Stress

Lavender Essential Oil: Mechanisms of Action for Decreasing Anxiety and Stress

Lavender Essential Oil: Mechanisms of Action for Decreasing Anxiety and Stress

(Or, how and why does lavender essential oil work?) Lavender oil (Lavandula angustifolia) is one of the most commonly used essential oils for stress and anxiety. In fact, it may be the most popu...

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Aromatherapy and its Effect on Nausea and Vomiting in Clinical Settings

Aromatherapy and its Effect on Nausea and Vomiting in Clinical Settings

Aeroscena® is in the final stages of a clinical trial for the relief of postoperative nausea and vomiting at the Children’s National Medical Center in Washington DC. As the study draws to a close, ...

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Clinical Aromatherapy, Cancer, and Quality of Life

Clinical Aromatherapy, Cancer, and Quality of Life

Or, how to simply and safely help cancer treatment patients feel better. In 2018, an estimated 1,735,350 million individuals are expected to be diagnosed with cancer in the United States. ...

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Can Aromatherapy Enhance Quality of Life in Elder Care Facilities?

Can Aromatherapy Enhance Quality of Life in Elder Care Facilities?

According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2017 National Population Projections report, the year 2030 will mark an important demographic turning point for the U.S.  At this time, all baby boom...

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Aeroscena® Labs Opens Essential Oil Clinical Research and Development Assets to the Public

Aeroscena® Labs Opens Essential Oil Clinical Research and Development Assets to the Public

Aeroscena®, the recognized leader in evidence-based clinical aromatherapy, is opening its essential oil research and development assets to the public. The company is now able to offer a broad rang...

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Aromatherapy as a First-Line Pain Management Treatment in Clinical Settings

Aromatherapy as a First-Line Pain Management Treatment in Clinical Settings

Aromatherapy has been co-opted by many companies which have infused it with a “new-age” sensibility that, understandably, leaves medical professionals cold. The truth is that there are many studi...

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Veterinary Clinics Can Benefit from the Use of Clinical Aromatherapy

Veterinary Clinics Can Benefit from the Use of Clinical Aromatherapy

When wild dogs, wolves, cats and horses are sick they seek out certain plants to eat in order to get well. However, as these animals became domesticated, they lost much of this instinct as their ac...

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Clinical Aromatherapy and its Effects on Focus, Memory and Attention

Clinical Aromatherapy and its Effects on Focus, Memory and Attention

Issues with attention can be present across age groups. Diagnoses of ADHD in childhood and adulthood have been on the rise for decades. Cognitive impairment in older adults often presents in the f...

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Rosemary Essential Oil's Brain-Boosting Powers

In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Hamlet’s lover Ophelia becomes unhinged. When she makes her final appearance of the play, she hands her brother Laertes sprigs of fresh rosemary, saying, “There’s rosemary...

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Clinical Research Demonstrates Ascents® Nausea Relief Formula May Outperform Pharmaceutical Protocols for PONV

Clinical Research Demonstrates Ascents® Nausea Relief Formula May Outperform Pharmaceutical Protocols for PONV

Aeroscena®, the parent company and research division of Ascents® clinical aromatherapy, is teaming up with one of the top children's hospitals in the nation to study pediatric post-operative nausea...

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