April is the start of finals testing for many college students, with high schools following suit during May and June. There is immense pressure put on young adults in these age groups to do well o...
Read moreIn Memoriam: Dr. Tanya Edwards
We at Aeroscena® are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Dr. Tanya I. Edwards early this morning. Dr. Edwards was not just one of our founding shareholders, but also a pioneer in the f...
Read moreTreating Seasonal Affective Disorder Naturally
Despite February being the shortest month, for many, it can ultimately feel like the longest. It's the time of year when winter seems to have lasted forever, along with its cold temperatures and g...
Read moreClinical Aromatherapy and Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV)
Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) can be crippling in patients who have undergone even the most minor surgeries. And in certain patient populations, it can be even more devastating -- child...
Read moreAscents® Teams with Cleveland Clinic for Pediatric Pain Study
When many people think of aromatherapy, they conjure up the idea of pleasant-smelling oils, sometimes released into the air by diffusion, other times applied to the skin in diluted or undiluted for...
Read moreDental anxiety can feel truly alienating. Those who have never experienced dental fear may think it’s “silly” or an overreaction, and brush off those fears as something easily overcome. But the t...
Read moreInsomnia is a disorder that affects an individual’s quantity and quality of sleep. Those with sleep disorders frequently have trouble falling and/or staying asleep. Although every person is uniqu...
Read moreNew Year's Resolutions + Wellness
The New Year hasn’t yet dawned, and still advertisements, commercials and websites are shouting in bold, capital letters about New Year, New You -- in other words, New Year's health resolutions. ...
Read moreInhalation therapy has existed for more than 2000 years, and the benefits of utilizing inhalation therapy for different medical issues have been understood for more than 200 years. While modern inh...
Read moreAscents® Clinical Aromatherapy
There often seems to be a cloud of mystery hanging around the word "aromatherapy." It's a cloud tinged with traces of new age beliefs. While it's true aromatherapy is part of a long tradition of na...
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